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Distorted View Daily: 4/1/05

April 1, 20051 min read

Hey Freaks,
I’ve always been honest with you regarding the program, so I feel a certain responsibility to just lay out what’s been going on over here. I’ve been looking for ways to make money with the show, and the only way I can do it is by targeting the content of the show to the people who listen in. My webstats show that over 83% of my listeners are from the Spanish-speaking community.
With that in mind, I’ve had to change the format around a bit, and I know for a fact many of you will not be happy with it. I hope you’ll stick around and continue to listen to the show, but if you cannot, I wish you the best.
On Today’s Show:
– ┬ípoop la boca!
– bombas locas
– pene de cobre gigante
Podcast: Distorted View Daily: 04/01/05

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