
Distorted View Daily: 01/03/07

January 3, 20071 min read

Hey Freaks!
Back with your Wednesday podcast. Enjoy the stupidity. Don’t forget to send all those twisted audio/video clips you run across. I love that shit. The PO Box is coming this week. Rawk!
On Today’s Show:
– Malicious Castration
– Let’s Get WASTED
– Calling From The Trash
Whorehole: Fall into Cheryl’s Gap
The DV Sideshow: Subscribe and keep me unemployed!
Email: show@distortedview.com
Voicemail: 206-666-4463
Podcast Alley: New Year, New Rankings! Vote now!
Digg.com: Digg DV, Please!
Listen to Today’s Show: Distorted View Daily: 01/03/07

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