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Distorted View Daily: 01/04/07

January 4, 20071 min read

Hey Freaks!
Enjoy the Thursday show! Remember, it’s a new month, so I’d really appreciate it if you voted for DV over at Podcastalley. Thanks, mates. Oh, if anyone lives in French speaking Quebec, Canada, I heard they are still selling Coke II there. I want some! (It’s different than C2)
On Today’s Show:
– Toys on Fire
– Mannequin Love
– Panty Sniffing in Retail Stores
David Wain: The Musical Mastermind Behind “Bagel”
DV’s Sideshow: Become a member and support audio stupidity
Email: show@distortedview.com
Voicemail: 206-666-4463
Podcast Alley: Help DV Out! Vote!
Digg.com: Digg Distorted View. It’s Fresh Perked
Listen to Today’s Show: Distorted View Daily: 01/04/07

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