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Distorted View Presents: Top 5 Video Countdown!

March 13, 20072 min read

Hey Freaks,
Well, I’m fianlly back. You know, I’ve been doing my show for years now and I’ve become good at estimating how much time it’s going to take me to do a show. Videos, however, are a different beast altogether. So I’m sorry it took longer than expected, and there was no show yesterday because of it.
The original concept of the video was just going to be me introducing 5 funny videos, but sometime this weekend the project took on a life of it’s own. When I decided to include a music video to my hit single Pain-Rain-Love, I realized it was more than just a countdown show. So, yeah, my stupidity is sprinkled throughout this 18 minute disaster. I also pop up IN some of the top 5 videos, so pay attention.
This was going to be a Sideshow-only videocast, but again, when I missed the Monday show I thought I better let you all in on what I’ve been doing. If you guys like it, and want more, future installments will be member-only.
So say thanks to your Sideshow member friends, because without them, this craptacular extravaganza would not be possible.
P.S. Regular show resume tomorrow.
On Today’s Show:
– My World Premiere Music Video!
– A Domestic Violence Re-Enactment
– Meet My Kitty Cat Santiago
– Plus More!
Can’t play MP4 videos? Windows Media version will be online soon.
Have something you think I might like? Send it to the PO BOX! And YES: you can sign up for a yearly Sideshow membership by sending me $50 to:
PO Box Address:
PO BOX 1115

Email: show@distortedview.com
Voicemail: 206-666-4463
Podcast Alley: Get DV in the top 10! Vote!
Digg.com: Digg Distorted View. It’s Fresh Perked
Watch Today’s Show: DV Top 5 Video Countdown

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