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Distorted View Daily: 11/26/07

November 26, 20071 min read

Hey Freaks!

Yeah, it’s a best of show. Sorry freaks! I got back down to Columbus super late. In addition to the Thanksgiving stuff, I had to finish cleaning out my old apartment in Ashtabula. I’m pretty well exhausted. My trip back down to Columbus was extended by about an hour and a half because EVERYONE was returning to the city and there were some wicked traffic jams. At any rate, I’ll do a weekend program to make it up to you. Enjoy this best of show!

On another note: Because I was stranded in Bula for so long, I received so many E-mails, my box got full and many of you got an error when you email me. Many of you are Sideshow members who were trying to enter the contest. I’ll extend the deadline until the end of Tuesday so you can still get your links/video/audio into me.

Email: show@distortedview.com
Voicemail: 206-666-4463
Podcast Alley: Get DV in the Top 10!

Listen To Today’s Show: Distorted View Daily: 11/26/07



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