
Distorted View Daily: 12/03/07

December 3, 20071 min read

Hey Freaks!

I’ve got a sore throat today, but I;m still back with a new show to start your week. Enjoy the podcast! Remember, if you want to send the gift of a yearly Sideshow membership, E-mail me and I’ll tell you how to do it. If you want to sign yourself up for a members, just click here! Simple!

On Today’s Show:

– So Much Illegal Sex!

– Multiple Eye Stabbings

– Are you a Jew H8R?


Ana/Mia Community: The Best Reading On The Web!

Email: show@distortedview.com
Voicemail: 206-666-4463
Podcast Alley: Get DV in the Top 10!

Listen To Today’s Show: Distorted View Daily: 12/03/07


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