
Distorted View Daily: 02/13/08

February 13, 20081 min read

Hey Freaks!

Enjoy the Wednesday show! Yesterday there was a fuck-up with the RSS feed for several hours and the wrong show was being downloaded. Yesterdays program featured a Night Court themed ST story. If you didnt get that version, check your podcatcher because the correct one should have been downloaded when I fixed the feed. Of course, you can download it on the website. Sideshow members did not have this problem. One more reason to sign up 🙂

On Today’s Show:

– Weed and Cake!-

– Drunken Prison Orgies

– A Very Polite Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid


Retard Singing: Poor thing. Don’t Laugh.

Email: show@distortedview.com
Voicemail: 206-666-4463
Podcast Alley: It’s a New Month! Hepl Get DV in the Top 10!

Listen To Today’s Show: Distorted View Daily: 02/13/08

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