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Dog Wins Russian Roulette

June 10, 20111 min read

Here’s a real “Dog Guns Down Man” story for you…

Some dipshit in Indiana had no friends to play with, so he turned to his dog. As if that weren’t sad enough, the game Russell Little wanted to play was Russian Roulette. You can pretty much guess how this story ends.

While playing Russian Roulette in his backyard, (where else would you play) Little suffered a fatal blow to the head after first firing a few blanks at his dog’s noggin. He apparently, “got bored” from the lack of splattering dog brains, so he turned the gun on himself and blew his own head off. His wife said he was depressed and drinking moonshine, so maybe he didn’t feel anything after firing the handgun. He did, however, still have a pulse when he was rushed to the hospital. That didn’t last long and he was pronounced dead and stupid at Memorial Hospital.

What have we learned? If you’re going to play a game with your pet, choose one you know you have a clear advantage. Like “Catch the tail”. They suck at that. Or Parcheesi. Dogs HATE parcheesi.

[Link To News Story]


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