
Distorted View Daily: 12/29/06

December 29, 20062 min read

Hey Freaks,
Well today was a giant clusterfuck. I recorded the show, was done by 2:00pm. Ran some errands and began to edit the show around 6:00pm. That’s when I found out the file was corrupted. I had saved the show on my portable drive since I taped the show at my undisclosed bunker, and back home I made the shitty discovery. I tried going back to the bunker to see if the temp files were saved, but they were not. It’s really a bummer because today was one of those days where when I was done recording I said, “wow, that actually was pretty good”.
I taped the Ask Satan segment as a seperate file because that was what needed the editing most of all. Luckily that was saved correctly. So, today, instead of a normal DV Daily, I give you DV Presents: Ask Satan. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think. If you guys dig it, we’ll make it a re-occuring feature. If not, we’ll put it to bed.
I have the news stories from today stored in wordpad. I’m going to try and re-record it as a weekend program (for all listeners, not just sideshow freaks)
I fucking can’t wait until I’m in my new place and dont have to lug around an unreliable piece of shit hardrive. BTW, today’s album art shows you what today’s show looked like.
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Listen to Today’s Show: Distorted View Daily: 12/29/06

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