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Crowdfunding Meat Gum

April 6, 20161 min read

Top Of The Show:

Have you ever crowdfunded a project? How did it work out? At the top of the program today I feature a few failed kickstarters from kickfailure.tumblr.com. How about meat gum?!? An erotic cat calendar! Headphones for dog!

We check in with one of my favorite male porn guys: TitPig. He continues to make the best noises in porn.

Devling into the finer details of tranny erotica.

Apple Weird /Crazy/ Bizarre News:

A woman stored a crackpipe in her snatch hatch for a friend.

The world’s first full-body VR sex nightmare

Enroll in ASSOL today!

Other Things:

A listener want to know how I will deal with the eventual death of my mother. Answer: NOT WELL.

A new listener calls in to say hi!

Someone who thinks Leo Laporte is an idiot for how he handled that live stream thing.

And More!

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