

  • March 14, 2005By Tim

    Hey Freaks! It’s all come to this. We finally find out who has won the stale kaiser E-bay auction! On Today’s Show: – Ball odor – A creepy man in drag – A man with two penises (now missing a wife) Enjoy the show! Podcast: Distorted View Daily: 3/14/05

  • March 11, 2005By Tim

    Hey freaks! I had a blast this week and I hope you did, too. We end the week right with some news of the weird, a special tribute to the kaiser roll, and of course your E-mails and voicemail! On Today’s Show: – A different type of cock ring – Sandra Bullock loves ass cream!

  • March 10, 2005By Tim

    Hey Freaks, Back with the Thursday show! Enjoy the program and remember: stay away from the brownies. On Today’s Show: – Penis gone but not forgotten – Miss Cleo: Motor Vehicle Bureau employee of the month! – Again, please…STAY AWAY FROM THE BROWNIES! Enjoy the show and we’ll see you back tomorrow to wrap up

  • March 9, 2005By Tim

    Hey freaks! We’re back today with more bizarre, twisted news for you! Plus, a rare retraction, a stale kaiser roll update, and your E-mails! On Today’s Show: – A man ate his penis. Quite possibly the world’s perfect news story. – Licking your students – Obliviously living with the dead – A semen-squirting doctor. Open

  • March 8, 2005By Tim

    Hey freaks! We’ve got a great show filled with voicemail from listeners, painful music, a stale kaiser roll update, and of course bizarre news! On Today’s Show: – Excuse me sir, why is your penis singing Styx? – A married couple that didnt know what “sex” was – Karaoke: Convincing untalented losers they can sing

  • March 7, 2005By Tim

    Hey freaks! Hope you had a great weekend! I’ve been busy with DV. I updated the photo page with some new pictures of DV listeners. We also got a brand new voicemail line. Call us and leave some feedback: 206-66-OHGOD! On Today’s Show: – I host the program with a stale kaiser roll. It’s up

  • March 4, 2005By Tim

    Hey Freaks! We made it through another week together! I had a blast and hope you did, too. We end the week with some truly twisted stories for you to feast upon. We’ll be back on Monday to do it all over! On Today’s Show: – Horny Pigs! – Why on earth would you rip

  • March 3, 2005By Tim

    Hey Freaks! More twisted news from the pits of hell for ya! On Today’s Show: – A stinky Iranian man! – Giant implants for sale on Ebay – Butchering goats for crack cocaine! A Distorted View instructional guide. Enjoy the show! Listen Now! Distorted View Daily: 03/03/05 And on another note: I got a ton

  • March 2, 2005By Tim

    Hey freaks! Enjoy the program! On Today’s Show: – A naked man with a sword! – A naked man covered in cheese! – Cow poop cures yeast infections? – Hot for teacher See you back tomorrow! -Tim Listen Now! Distorted View Daily 03/02/05

  • March 1, 2005By Tim

    Hey freaks! I think I found one of the strangest news stories in quite awhile. You don’t want to miss today’s show. Speaking of which: On Today’s Show: – Penis + Chicken + Dog – Common Sense + Knife = A recipe for a hilarious/disgusting disaster – Roadkill candy! – The return of breast-loving Gorilla
