
Best Of Show

  • May 14, 2020By Tim

    ON TODAY’S EPISODE: Enjoy today’s Best-Of Show! I’ll be doing a Sideshow-exclusive program tomorrow, but will make up for the lack of new DV this weekend. BE A PART OF THIS STUPIDITY: Voicemail:  206-666-4463 (206-66-OH GOD) Have Your Voicemail Played On The Show E-mail: show@distortedview.com – Say hi, suggest news stories, videos, audio, etc. Discord: The DV discord server! Chat

  • April 2, 2020By Tim

    ON TODAY’S EPISODE: It’s a best of show today. I’ll be make up for it this weekend. Of course I’ll also be back tomorrow for the Friday show.   BE A PART OF THIS STUPIDITY: Voicemail:  206-666-4463 (206-66-OH GOD) Have Your Voicemail Played On The Show E-mail: show@distortedview.com – Say hi, suggest news stories, videos, audio, etc. Discord: The

  • February 26, 2020By Tim

    ON TODAY’S EPISODE: A freak in the Discord suggested I replay some of the interviews I’ve done over the years. Since I’m taking the day off (I will doing a make up show this weekend, of course) I thought now is a good time to do just that. BE A PART OF THIS STUPIDITY: Voicemail:  206-666-4463

  • December 13, 2019By Tim

    ON TODAY’S EPISODE: The DV Store Is Open For 2019! Use Promo Code HOWDAREYOU For 10% Off Your Order! Note: Hey Freaks! Taking a day off but I will be back this weekend with a new episode! The Hardest Christmas Song To Sing Give Your Grandma A Terminator Kitty A New Sissy Trainer Video Female

  • September 13, 2019By Tim

    ON TODAY’S EPISODE: It’s a Best-Of Show! I’ll be back tomorrow to make up for the lack of distortion today. Our New Post Office Box Address! Distorted View PO Box 9575 Cincinnati Ohio 45209 BE A PART OF THIS STUPIDITY: Voicemail:  206-666-4463 (206-66-OH GOD) Have Your Voicemail Played On The Show E-mail: show@distortedview.com – Say hi, suggest news stories,

  • May 17, 2019By Tim

    On Today’s Distorted View Daily:  Become A Famous Artist In The Mail Josh Duggar Is a Pedophile AND a Philanderer Arguing With Your Dead Getting A Divorce Over a Tattoo  

  • August 10, 2018By Tim

    On Today’s Distorted View: It’s a best of show! I’ll be back this weekend with a new episode of DV to make up for it. Enjoy this classic dumb shit. BE A PART OF THIS STUPIDITY: Voicemail:  206-666-4463 (206-66-OH GOD) Have Your Voicemail Played On The Show E-mail: show@distortedview.com – Say hi, suggest news stories, videos,

  • June 8, 2018By Tim

    A new way to help support Tim / Distorted View – Check out our Patreon page Win one of two Super Nintendo Classics! I’m thanking you freaks for hanging in there while I moved my life down to Cincinnati with an easy giveaway. Just rate and review DV on iTunes, Stitcher, or any other prominent

  • June 8, 2018By Tim

    A new way to help support Tim / Distorted View – Check out our Patreon page Win one of two Super Nintendo Classics! I’m thanking you freaks for hanging in there while I moved my life down to Cincinnati with an easy giveaway. Just rate and review DV on iTunes, Stitcher, or any other prominent

  • June 23, 2016By Tim

    Best of Show Show: A new way to help support Tim / Distorted View – Check out our Patreon page It’s a best of show for you guys while I do new podcasts all week long for Sideshow listeners: Become a true and honorable freak now!   Lebaron found out that back in 2009 we were
