August 19, 2016By Tim
Today I play space exploration game No Man’s Sky from the beginning. At the start of the game we find ourselves crash landed on a strange planet. Our first objective is to find the necessary materials to repair out ship and head into space. In part 1, we do just that. I also encounter scary space crabs,
July 23, 2016By Tim
Morning Sickness! A new way to help support Tim / Distorted View – Check out our Patreon page Morning Sickness was a daily video show I produced on Youtube (with exclusive shows on the Sideshow) every weekday morning back in 2013. As I gear up to start doing more video content once again, I thought
January 27, 2016By Tim
I did a livestream earlier where I played Splatoon for about an hour and a half. This is a high quality version of that. Today I Pay Splatoon! I’m a novice/intermediate gamer. I love flashing lights and colorful things, but I’m not the brightest. Watch me fumble around your favorite games. It might be frustrating
January 25, 2016By Tim
Thanks to DV listener Rian, I’m (FINALLY) the proud owner of a PS4. As I was trying to download the 40gb games that came bundled with the console, I grabbed a cheapy small game called Surgery Simulator. Today: a I perform a heart transplant.
October 30, 2015By Tim
I’ve never played Minecraft before and when night falls it’s a truly frightening experience. Especially when you don’t have a torch. Also, I create some backstory for the game where I must repopulate the land of Timtopia. By banging mutated sheep or something.
October 24, 2015By Tim
It’s time to try playing another game for you guys. Today: Mario Kart 8! As an added bonus, I’ll be using a speech jammer app on my phone. This app uses your phones microphone / headphones to echo back everything youe say with a slight delay, making it difficult to sound coherent. If you like
October 18, 2015By Tim
I promised you guys I’d play some Mario Maker . This was my first attempt at recording game play, and there are still some issues to sort out. Very sorry for the annoying audio syncing issues. The game audio is fine, but my stellar commentary is ruined because it doesn’t match up with my mouth.
May 27, 2015By Tim
Published on Apr 19, 2013 It’s a jam packed Morning Sickness for your Friday. On Today’s Morning Sickness: – Crippled People / Wild Sex Performance Art – Your Distorted View Horoscope for the Week of April 22 – My Music Video For Bread and Butter
May 27, 2015By Tim
Published on Apr 18, 2013 Subscribe to Morning Sickness and Distorted View in iTunes:… On Today’s Morning Sickness: – More DV Merchandise! – Tranny Tim Loves Boston? – The Auto-fellating Walrus – Gamer Nerd Strip Tease
May 27, 2015By Tim
Good to see we are keeping things classy here on Morning Sickness. Today: – Monster Sex Toys (Alien, Werewolf, Vampire, Zombie, and Cyborg Varieties) – Fisting At The Zoo – Bad Karaoke With A Side of Breasts