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  • May 5, 2012By Tim

    Hey Freaks! The Sideshow freaks wanted me to share this piece of Friday’s DVDA with you. Notice how “A Taste of DVDA” sounds a lot like “A Test Of Patience?”. I found some Christian dub step music, including a version of Our God is An Awesome God. It got me thinking about my own killer

  • May 5, 2012By Tim

    Hey Freaks! Here is the Wednesday DVDA. This is the episode where we talk to the Fat Man, and later on my mom checks in with a few new stories. Enjoy! I’ll have a brand new W-E-E-K-E-N-D show for you on Saturday! Friday’s DVDA will also be posted later on this weekend.

  • May 4, 2012By Tim

    Hey Freaks! Back with the 04/29/12 (Monday) DVDA. Sorry I’m a little behind posting these. This was a relatively short live show. Also, for those of you who are hating these huge downloads, I’ll be setting up a few feed options for you so you can choose what you want to appear and download automatically.

  • May 2, 2012By Tim

    Hey Freaks! I’ve gotten behind on posting these! This is the DVDA from 4/27 (Friday of last week). I’ll have Monday’s show posted for you tonight, and try to get you today’s DVDA tomorrow. It takes awhile to compress and encode.

  • April 26, 2012By Tim

    Hey Freaks! Another DVDA for you! The Wednesday edition features tons of fun videos, a few calls, and a discussion on masturbation technique! Enjoy

  • April 21, 2012By Tim

    Hey Freaks! Back with another DVDA for you. Today we talk to one of the mastermind’s behind Wednesday’s call from the dirty assed-elderly gay, and we meet a new freak: an underage lesbian cannibal. Sure, why not. All of this, plus a bunch of stupid video clips. Huzzah!

  • April 19, 2012By Tim

    Wow. This show was insane. If you only watch one DVDA, watch the one where I make an old man gag on a dildo and stick a finger in his own dirty asshole. On Cam. What more can I say?

  • April 18, 2012By Tim

    Hey Freaks! Haven’t gotten around to joining me for the live Distorted View Daily Aftershow? Here’s what you’ve been missing. Remember, if you can’t catch it live, archives are ONLY available on the Sideshow. So, sign up now!

  • April 16, 2012By Tim

    Hey Freaks! Here we go with another DVDA. Today, thankfully, no adult babies called into the program. However, a furfag graced our Skype! Plus watch for the ground beef bitches, and my very red skin, on today’s video.

  • April 14, 2012By Tim

    Hey Freaks! Back with one more DVDA for you this week! Windowlicker makes an appearance along with all sorts of other stupidity! Enjoy!
