November 16, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! Finally, I’m back with a new show for you! See, I gave you a taste of what a world without DV would be like, and many of you E-mailed me saying you were ready to “break”. Keep that in mind when I ask you for money 🙂 By the way, please take a
November 10, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! This is it! Last show for the week because I’m flying to California in like 5 hours. I wanted to do something special, so we’ve got one hell of a Sextastic story for you! On Today’s Show: – Toe Suckers! – Revenge of the Glue Toilet Seat Guy! – The meaning of slinder
November 9, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! It’s another strange show! Yesterday had me freaking out on the air, and today’s show is fucked up because of the weather. I had to cut the show short because of a bunch of power outages that were caused by t-storms. Still, it’s a great 10 or 11 minutes of bizarre shit. On
November 8, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks, It’s been quite a day, so I recorded today’s show earlier than usual so I could get some much needed sleep. Also, I’m sad to say there was no Sextastic Tuessday story today. Hopefully by the end of the week we’ll have one for ya. Won’t you consider buying one of my body
November 7, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! I’m so happy to be back with you after my long weekend! We’ve got more pussy farts and more insensitive re-enactments in addition to the news. Tim *tings* his way through another twisted, queef-packed episode of DV! On Today’s Show: – When idiots counterfeit money – Using an infant as your ashtray –
November 3, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! Bad News: we’re ending the week early because I’ll be out of town tomorrow. We’ll do a Best-Of Show, though. The good news is I have a great show for you today, and the other freaks will keep you entertained over at our message board while I’m away. On Today’s Show: – Trick
November 2, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! On today’s show we’ve got the fist-fuck mega-mix, fart-porn: part 2, and of course, the crazy-bizarre news you’ve come to tolerate from me. Enjoy the program! As always, if you come across a DV-worthy news story, sound clip, or video, E-mail me! On Today’s Show: – Granny has done did gone insane! –
November 1, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! It’s our post-Halloween show: I report on all the weird shit that went down yesterday. Plus, your E-mails and farting women! Classy. On Today’s Show: – A Child molester’s haunted house – Flaming dog shit leads to a flaming mobile home – Toe choppings Links: The Twisted Pickle: No Smeary Residue! Snail Mail:
October 31, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! Happy Halloween! To celebrate we’ve got a creepy sextastic tuesday for you…on Monday! It’s actually not really that scary, but I suppose it fits into the Holloween theme of the show. Plus, I’ve got an update for you regarding me selling my body piece-by-piece for donations. On Today’s Show: – Public suicide: now
October 28, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! What a way to end the week! In addition to the crazy news, we unleash a musical beast! A song that’s sure to sweep the Goddamn nation! On Today’s Show: – Mr. Sulu sucks it. Hard. – Child whores going cheap! – 7Up and Piss? Tim’s selling his body, piece by piece. Make