October 12, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! Back with a frantic Wednesday show! Enjoy the fast-paced magic. What else is there to say? I love my pee-pee. How about that? On Today’s Show: – Explosive relationships! – Porn and urine! – Dog shit cement – Eaten by your own animals! Plus, PokeAnimals, weird sex terms, and your E-mails Links: Smurf
October 11, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! It’s Tuesday, and you all know what that means: Sextastic Tuesday! Don’t worry…it’s a strange story, but not DISGUSTING like many others that I’ve read in the past. If you haven’t checked out our brand new message boards yet, go there now! It’s a great way to waste time, and the freaks who
October 10, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! Well, I never got around to doing that promised Friday show last week. I was a lazy bitch and started my weekend early. I apologize. To make it up to you, today’s Distorted View is SUPER-SIZED! Over 30 minutes of pure audio distortion! Enjoy! Oh, and don’t forget to check out our brand
October 6, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! Bumper Sticker Update: I’m sending a butt-load of them out today. Everyone who has donated at least $20 will be getting their stickers soon. As for winners of the contest, your stickers are next to be mailed out. Next week, CD’s will go out to those of you who sent over $50 to
October 5, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! Thanks for joining me on Today’s DV! While you’re here, dont forget to check out the links to your left. You can read crazy news stories submitted by DV listeners, play Sextastic Tuesday: The Web Game, and view some pictures of me acting like an idiot! On Today’s Show: – Dr. Feelgood fucks
October 4, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! Ok, it’s time for the Tuesday show and you know what that means. Things get a little sexier, a whole lot more disusting. It’s Sextastic Tuesday, bitches! Today’s story features the worst grammar I’ve seen in a long time. Poorly written porn! Huzzah! On Today’s Show: – Family goat feel the wrath of
October 3, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! Welcome to October! We’re back to start another month and week with more bizarre news stories, plus much more! Why wasn’t there a drunk show this weekend? Will there be a drunk show? Tune in for answers! On Today’s Show: – The taste of penis – Exorcism: the wrong way – Drink coasters
September 30, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! We’re back with the big Friday program. Will I be back tomorrow doing a special Saturday show drunk off my ass? Only if you open your fucking wallet and donate some cash. Otherwise, we’ll be back on Monday to start a new week! On Today’s Show: – Driving dead deer – Grandma’s got
September 29, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! We’re back for the Thursday show! Remember: if you guys have any crazy news stories you’d like to pass along, E-mail it to me! Likewise, if you found a bizarre/funny video or mp3, send it my way! You could win $10,000! Not from me, of course, but hey, anything’s possible. On Today’s Show:
September 28, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaky Deakies! Hey, fuckwads: give me money. We’re so close to my podcast expo goal. If you donate this week, you’ll be richly rewarded with a special drunk edition of Distorted View. Talk about a trainwreck, right? On Today’s Show: – Bull Semen: Bringing people togeher – Death by fork – Shit Tips Plus,