July 15, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! Friday’s here and we have a jam packed show to end the week. Enjoy your weekend, and rest up for another week of fucked up stories when we come back on Monday! If you get bored this weekend, vote for Distorted View over at Podcast Alley, E-mail/Voicemail me, or scream at a tree.
July 14, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! It was kind of a slow news day, so I apologize if the stories aren’t up to the high (low) standards we have set here on Distorted View. It’s still a good time. Plus another installment of me singing to paypal donors. On Today’s Show: – A corpse on the freeway – Fighting
July 13, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks, Back with your Wednesday edition of Distorted View! Remember: If you run across a crazy news story, bizarre porno, or strange audio, E-mail me! On Today’s Show: – The bedwetter must die! – “It’s just a pumping party! What could go wrong?”, asks a now-dead tranny. – Elderly people and their flipping cats
July 12, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! Back with another dose of Distorted Views for you! Plus, if you grew up in the 80’s, you’ll REALLY appreciate this week’s edition of Sextastic Tuesday! On Today’s Show: – Elderly Prostitutes – Pissing in holy water – Arguing with trees. TREES. Special thanks goes out to Martin in Switzerland for hooking me
July 11, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! I’m back with another weeks worth of audiophonic stupidity to share with you. Enjoy the podcast and check out some of our new features! We’ve just stated the freakopedia, so surf on over there and educate yourself. On Today’s Show: – Star spangled strippers start to spank, sparking screams & shrieks – Watching
July 8, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! Yes, it’s the end of another week. Which means you’ll have to go two days without stories of decapitated dogs, weird sex fetishes, and missing penises. Fear not, because we’ll be back on Monday to start a whole new week. Until then, make sure to vote for us at Podcast Alley, subscribe to
July 7, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! I’m still a sick little monkey, but here’s a brand new show for you anyways, cuz I love you. And your cute little button nose. On Today’s Show – When children don’t know about sex, parents get shot! – Sweet man boobies – Toilet Paper politics Links: Penis Restoration: Get Your Foreskin On!
July 6, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! I’m back with the Wednesday show! I’m surprised I was able to pull the program together, as I am once again SICK with a cold. A goddamn cold in July. That’s like getting frostbite on the surface of the sun! It’s not right! Arg. On Today’s Show: – We crown Distorted View’s Dumbass
July 5, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! We’re back from vacation in big, big way! In addition to the strange, bizarre news you crave, we’ve got a huge Sextastic Tuesday episode featuring a celebrity reader! Tune in for the magic. On Today’s Show: – Momma’s gonna behead you now – Chinese people don’t know how to screw! – Getting drunk
July 1, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! We’re ending the week right with some fucked up shit! Remember: it’s a new month, and I’d really appreciate it if you would vote for us at Podcast Alley. We’re taking Monday off for the 4th of July. I’ll put up a Best-Of show so you can still get your DV fix. As