June 1, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! Welcome to June! We’re back with a brand new episode that answers the question: where is that blood coming from? Just a reminder that it is a new month, so get your ass over to podcast alley and vote for DV! On Today’s Show: – Falling Into A Meat Grinder – The Condom
May 31, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! Hope you all had a great Memorial day! If you haven’t listened to our 1-Hour Special I posted over the weekend, don’t forget to download it when you want an extra dose of DV 🙂 On Today’s Show: – The polite way to ask a guest to leave? Torching your house, naturally. –
May 27, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! Enjoy the Friday show, and don’t forget to check back this weekend for our special one hour program in celebration of us hitting the 100th episode mark. On today’s show: – First came my hatred of the elderly, now I focus my rage on public school teachers – Darth Vader is a sex
May 26, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! What a show today! If you are easily offended, fast forward through the first few minutes. A big thanks to my best friend Joe for helping out with the commercial bit. On today’s show: – The return of Dr. Jizzum! – Elephant feces – A unique way to kill midgets Listen to the
May 25, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! I’m back with more crazy news for you! Enjoy the program and don’t forget to E-mail me with your comments, news of the weird, or as in today’s case, doomsday prophecies. On Today’s Show: – Hardcore Plush Bears – Eating Corpses – An elderly woman does something stupid. What a shocker. Links: Podcast
May 24, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! It’s officially our 100th show! Very exciting, right? I celebrate this milestone by reading strange news stories…which I do every other goddamn day. Plus: a brand new Sextastic Tuesday featuring mythical creatures and a vagina. On Today’s Show: – Pissing on literature! That’s right…take that books! – Tossing kittens out of fast moving
May 23, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! I’m back to start a whole new week of distorted views with you! In addition to the crazy news stories, you’ll hear all about my nipples, my balls, and why to stay away from Nair. You’ll also hear me ramble on and on about you doing my dirty work by promoting the show
May 20, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! It’s Friday, which means we’ve got to end the week. I know, I know, it’s sad. Fear not because we’ve got an awesome show for you to tide you over until Monday. In addition to the news of the weird, Satan stops by and a we’ve got a special voicemail from my Hollywood
May 19, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! Wow! Tons of crazy shit on today’s show! We even try a brand new feature on today’s podcast but you’ll just have to hear it for yourself. On Today’s Show: – Slicing off dicks! – Watching porn at church – Sex Slave/Webmaster Links: The PK&J Show: Come for a fantastic podcast, stay for
May 18, 2005By Tim
Hey Freaks! Today I’ve got a big show for you with some crazy news stories, voicemail mesages, and yet another installment of me singing. (very poorly) How could you not want to download the shit out of this podcast!? On Today’s Show: – An eledrly man who screwed his pooch – Soiled panties!!! – Double