
Distorted View Daily: 01/11/05

January 11, 20051 min read

Hey freaks!
Check out the new page! Pretty snazzy, huh? Yeah, well, the links don’t work. So don’t try clicking on any of the navigation pages, because you’ll get a big fat 404 error. Give me a day or two to iron it all out. Now for the impoart stuff:
On Todays Distorted View Daily:
-Medical equipment can suck you into the vortex of doom! It’s true (kind of) and I’ll tell you how it happens! It’s News You Can Use(tm)
-What happens when you live in a small house and have 50 cats, plus dogs and other assorted critters? You get an awful odor…and busted by police
-Porn movies played all over an Internation Airport! Now that’s what I call a lay-over! Ba-Dum-Bum.
All this plus more of your E-mails! It’s all happening today on DV! Dowload it now, regret it later!
Distorted View Daily: 01/11/05

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