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Distorted View Daily: 3/17/05

March 17, 20051 min read

Hey Freaks,
We’re doing a best-of show today because I am tired, man! Hope you enjoy this podcast that originally aired back in January (1/14 to be exact). We’ll be back with a NEW show on Friday to end the week. And that’s a Tim Henson promise! *ting*
On Today’s Show:
-DV NEWS FLASH: People are allowed to have sex in Sweden. Specifically loud, rocking, tit-slapping, stinky sex. Swedish sex is nnnnaaughty.
-Abe Lincoln is a homosexual! It’s true becuase some author says it is. Oh, and Distorted View has the original audio recording of the Gettysburg Address.
-Sperm is wanted at Australia clinics due to a shortage. Who are they turning to? Politicans.
Podcast: Distorted View Daily: 03/17/05
