
What’s The Deal?!

May 14, 20101 min read

Hey Freaks!

If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook you probably know why has there not been shows for the last couple of days. My dad was rushed back to the hospital on Wednesday. Actually, he’s been in 3 different hospitals over the past two days. First Ashtabula, then life-flighted to Cleveland and then another hospital in Cleveland. It was not a very enjoyable few days, but the good news is he’s doing fine now. I’m back in Columbus, OH and ready to rock your faces off with stupidity.

There will be a NEW show for everyone tomorrow. Sideshow freaks will get an exclusive show on Sunday and a new episode of Corey’s Butt Fudge Sundae. I’m also working on a new DV-LOG for Sideshow members. Sorry about not having shows for you the last couple of days, but I’m sure youunderstand.

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October 13, 2010By Tim

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