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Racist Dunkin Donuts Advertisement

September 1, 20132 min read

Blackface is in, baby! Well, if you were to believe Dunkin’ Donuts Thailand, that is.

Advertising the new “Charcoal Donut”, the large poster features a woman in hot-labia-pink lipstick enjoying the tasty negro pastry. She done did loved that shit so much, the girl went all Al Jolson up in this bitch and gave herself a Wesley Snipes inspired facial treatment. That kind of malarkey may fly over in their disease-ridden country but it didn’t sit so well with us ‘Muricans”. A category 5 bitch-fit ensued online, forcing Dunkin’ Donuts to say, “WTF MAN! They’re in Thailand. We dont know what the hell goes on over there”

Actually, Double-D Nuts said in a tweet:
“We are working with our Thailand franchisee to immediately pull the ad. DD recognizes the insensitivity of this spot,”

According to a Time Newsfeed post about the incident, Thailand’s been hating on the brothas for awhile now:

“The country has been home to a brand of mops called “Black Man,” featuring the titular character in a tuxedo as its logo. Another Thai product — a skin whitening cream — advertises that lighter skinned people are more attractive to employers, and a black herbal toothpaste maker has run television commercials with the tagline “Appearance can be deceiving.” Another ad by the same company stated, “It’s black, but it’s good.”

Dunkin Donuts Thailand

Dunkin Donuts Thailand

Source: http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/08/31/dunkin-donuts-ad-causes-uproar-in-thailand/#ixzz2dhX88Cbm


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