On Today’s Show: 
On Today’s Show:
Introduction | 0:00.000 |
How Does One Become A Scat Freak?? | 3:22.000 |
Fudgie Krinkles | 9:28.000 |
Bullying Houseplants – For Science | 11:48.000 |
Dom Daddy Armie Hammer Wants To Eat Your Skin And Fuck Your Brian | 17:58.000 |
Sign Up For The Sideshow! | 25:50.000 |
Racist Cheese Brand Finally Gets Canceled! | 27:10.000 |
Japanese Toilet Thief | 32:07.468 |
The Ultimate Trip: Injecting Shrooms Into Your Bloodstream | 36:34.000 |
Voicemails: 206-666-4463 / Ending | 40:30.000 |