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  • February 14, 2005By Tim

    Happy Valentine’s Day! We’ve got a great show for you today, including a special V-day message you can send to your loved one. On Today’s Show: -A drunk, child abusing drug addict is crowned Distorted View’s Mother of the Week (and it’s only Monday) -Male Hollywood star + fake penis = comedy platinum -The gay

  • February 11, 2005By Tim

    It’s the big Friday show! Ok, it’s not much different from the other shows during the week. At any rate, enjoy the program! Don’t forget to E-mail me with your comments, questions, news of the weird, etc. If I read your mail on the show, you’ll be entered into the Great DV Extreme Makeover giveaway!*

  • February 10, 2005By Tim

    Hey freaks! On Today’s Show: – Trying to make gay penguins go straight – Scalping children in the name of feminism! – A stupid story about a stupid dead turkey. Enjoy the program and we’ll see you back here tomorrow for the big Friday show! *hugs and kisses xoxoxo BFF 4ever* -tim Listen Now! Distorted

  • February 9, 2005By Tim

    Hey everybody! Back here with a truly twisted episode of Distorted View! Enjoy the show, and don’t forget to E-mail me if you find a funny news story! On Today’s Show: -An animated frog penis -Cutting your testicles to make good on a promise -Electric Toothbrush Rectum Love

  • February 8, 2005By Tim

    Hey my twisted little freaks! We’re back with an all-new episode of Distorted View Daily for you to feast upon! Before that, here’s a little bit of sad news. I had to disable the “comment” function because spammers have found a way to flood the system with Texas Hold-Em Poker and Viagra ads. So, if

  • February 4, 2005By Tim

    It’s Friday and I’ve got one more dose of Distorted View for you before we call it a week! Remember: Distorted View is for adults only. We use mature language in a totally immature way. On Today’s Show: – A Deadly Enema! – An orgasm machine!! – A Teeny Tiny Condom!!! It’s an exlamation mark-worthy

  • February 3, 2005By Tim

    It’s Thursday and we have another jammed-packed episode full of freaks and weirdos! If you enjoy the show, don’t forget to add a link to us on your website. It would be much appreciated. On Today’s Show: – Two crazy Asian’s for the price of one! – A mobile crystal meth lab! – Why Jesus

  • February 2, 2005By Tim

    Back here with your hump day edition of Distorted View Daily! By the way, did you know today is National Hug A Pedophile day? It’s true. Children are encouraged to hug a convicted sex offender to help promote tolerance and understanding of the mental illness. On Today’s Show: -Why no one cares if they blow

  • February 1, 2005By Tim

    It’s time for another episode of the podcast that Chinchilla Fancy magazine calls, “An utter disappointment”. Who the hell wants a fucking disgusting chinchilla anyways? On Today’s Show: -Don’t get mad, get even…by chewing off a finger. Because if you chew off a finger, you’d have 4 fingers left. And that’s an even number. See?

  • January 31, 2005By Tim

    Greetings! Hope you freaks had a great weekend! I got a few E-mails wondering how many people are subscribing to Distorted View Daily. It’s kind of hard to tell, but it looks to be in the 400-500 range, which isn’t bad for being about a month old. A few internet radio stations are also playing
