Top Of The Show: A Viking Battle Cry of “CUNT” A new way to “sing” using only one breath Yet another Linda Finkle Hall of Famer News: A New Catholic Church scandal! Poisoning your man to become impotent Poisoning your woman to give her Diarrhea and to steal her money A new way to help support
Top Of The Show: Horrible made up words by a mad man Alex Jones has evidence of human fish babies Hypnosis to trick your brain into thinking your sitting in poop News: One lawmaker got his degree from Prime Beef University Donations made to Planned Parenthood in an anti-abortion pastor’s name Vegan goes GTA on a
Top Of The Show: A mobile phone you can stuff in your ass This leads me to a brilliant new business idea A christian clock that will annoy the fuck out of you 24 times a day News: Another religious cult with weird sex rules and abuse allegations I caused a national slime shortage Subway
Top Of The Show: Caitlyn Jenner is pissed at Trump A Youtuber records his everyday life tormenting his children News: ICP fan sacrifices her finger for no good reason Old people being productive / getting ready for death A man got thrown out of the mall for wearing short shorts A new way to help
Top Of The Show: The legend herself, Linda Finkle, is back! She’s made a music video! WATCH! A porn scene goes from bad to worse News: A woman who smells like fish, onions, and poop A live enema (FOR CHARITY) A nailgun to the groin. See: A new way to help support Tim / Distorted
Hey Freaks! Yeah, I know it’s actually Sunday when I’m posting this, but it was hard to get to the computer and dick around with FTP stuff while on vacation. Here is the mini program that was supposed to be posted on Thursday! Enjoy!
Top Of The Show: Some short bad gay porn acting snippets Cash Me Out Girl gets booted off a plane for fighting Let’s check in with Thursday Lane by giving him a call News: Osama Bin Laden sanctioned masturbation Another penis surgery disaster Lady Gaga’s satanic New World Order Half Time Show (brought to you
Top Of The Show: Let me show you minorities how to be rich and powerful just like the whites! One high schooler’s opinion of gay people Awkward female wrestling promo videos News: Tumor mistaken for just MORE fat A tumor delivered by FedEx A cockroach dancing on a woman’s brain A new way to help