
Distorted View Daily: 1/20/05

January 20, 20051 min read

Hey freaks! Thanks for checking out the podcast! It’s a good one today, and that’s a Tim Henson Promise(tm). The links still aren’t working because I’ve been busy all this week glued to VH-1’s I Love The 90’s with my friends as we sip on quintessential 90’s alcoholic beverage Zima. It’s NNASSSTY but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
On Today’s Show:
-How horny are you? Let a machine help you out with that one.
-Why snorting cocaine off of a lubed toilet seat is not a good idea anymore.
-A Distorted View Update! Remember the nail-through-the-skull guy? If so, you don’t want to miss today’s podcast!
Listen Now: Distorted View Daily 1/20/05

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