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Distorted View Daily: 12/27/05

December 27, 20051 min read

Hey Freaks!
I hope you all had a great holiday weekend! I just got back into town, so there will be no show today. I know, I’m a dick.
While you’re waiting for a new show to pop up, why not visit http://www.rapeislikecandy.com! That’s right, a twisted freak purchased the domain and it redirects to this site just like http://www.ijustcamemyfaceoffsohard.com! I love you fuckers.
I just found a bunch of burned DV DVD’s and CD’s, so we’re going to have a Post-Holiday Blowout Sale!
5-CD’s full of every single episode of DV from the first year: $25
DVD of 13 Distorted View short films: $15
If you want one or both, Just paypal me using the “Donation” link on the left-side of this page. I only have a few left that are all ready to go.
See you freaks later!
