
Daily View Distorted: 4/1/06

April 1, 20061 min read

Listen to today’s podcast: Distorted View Daily: 4/01/06!
Podcast Alley: It’s a new month! Vote for DV!
Email: show@distortedview.com
Voicemail: 206-666-4463
Lazy Boy: Made a DV Flash Cartoon and It’s fucking hilarious!
– Babies + Freezer + Concrete = DV Gold
– Piss Pop
– How much is your toddler worth?
On Today’s Show:
Hey! Looky here! A Saturday show! Can you believe it? I know I can’t. Plus, tomorrow I’ll be unleashing ANOTHER vid-cast! Remember “Tim Henson’s Vagina Tales” I played a few times on the show? Now you can watch it! Join me back here tomorrow for that! BTW, something doesnt seem right today…
Hey Freaks!

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