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Distorted View Daily: 01/30/08 (BEST OF)

January 30, 20081 min read

Hey Freaks!

Yes, I’ve got a Best-Of Show for you, but fear not! There will be a new, proper show. It’ll just be posted a little bit later (in the afternoon). Today I was swamped with car shit. Yes, my old car finally died and I had to scramble to find some poor sucker to finance me a vehicle. Some stupid car dealership actually said, “So, you tell cum fart jokes and make fun of rape victims for a living…you’re approved!”. I’m very happy with the new car, and will be paying for it for the next 12 years, so please..sign up for the Sideshow. Help a brother out. 34.5% is a good interest rate on a car, right?

Email: show@distortedview.com
Voicemail: 206-666-4463
Podcast Alley: Get DV in the Top 10!

Listen To Today’s Show: Distorted View Daily: 01/30/08




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