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Horrible My Little Pony Erotic Fan Fiction

March 21, 20161 min read

Top Of The Show:

Somehow advertisements for Distorted View pop up right after HIV/AIDS articles on Facebook

Tim plays a brand new “Fuck Her Right In The Pussy” news interruption, this time at a live Trump Rally spot.

It’s Sextastic Tuesday time! Today Tim reads an awful story featuring Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash, watersports, poop, and so much more

Apple Weird /Crazy/ Bizarre News:

A man raped a heavily intoxicated woman, but stopped when she shit herself. Welcome to Distorted View Daily, new listeners.

A mother has tried to cook her baby in an oven. The things you learn from Rachael Ray!

The Internet named RRS CuntPuncher may be sailing to a port near you! No, that’s not the real name, but Boaty McBoatFace isn’t much better.

Other Things:

A listener calls in to say he’s never eaten a hotdog out of his ass. Ok, thank you.

We get a possible reason why retarded weatherman Frankie MacDonald yells during his reports.

Tim gets a message about how gay he his, and his gayness is turning others gay.

And More!

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November 13, 2020By Tim

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